Well, that was a pretty surreal and nasty experience! Not as bad as I thought, but it wasn't pleasant. My neighbour, who used to be a chef, backed me up - so at least I wasn't on my own. What I hadn't taken into account was how heavy she was. Chicken's necks feel pretty dainty - but the pull and twist method was quite difficult for me.
So Ava is now an ex-chicken after destroying yet another egg. I feel a bit odd about it. It's an almost primeval feeling of having killed my own food that I've bred, but it doesn't sit comfortably on my shoulders. Put it this way, I couldn't kill a chicken I liked! Ava was different - she was a liability, so she had to go one way or another. A lot of people don't confront this issue and either take the chickens to market or, even worse, dump them in a field and let nature take them. That's how I got George - he was dumped in a field and appeared one day.
I sort of feel mature for handling the situation, but a bit freaked out because I've never killed anything worse than a small injured bird. It's an odd feeling.
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