Saturday, 2 April 2011

Settling in new chickens

It's been a week since I brought Daryl and Hannah into the flock, and it's been an interesting week. When I first introduced the girls, every chicken in the flock had a go and Ken the hen went borderline psycho. She was flying at them, screaming, grabbing onto their combs and wattles, and even George was pecking them to let them know where they stood in the pecking order - low.

I love the Cochin breed. Even after all that antagonisation, they didn't once fight back. They literally just turned and tried to avoid it, or put their heads down and backed away in a very submissive way. They really are very sweet and good natured, and their tactics worked. It looks like the attacks have [almost] stopped and they are being left to potter around the garden together.

It helps that they've been laying eggs. That automatically gives them some credence in the flock, thank goodness. I'm delighted with them. Not only are their personalities as I expected, they've also been delivering eggs since they arrived.

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